Tips for Measuring Oddly Shaped Windows for Shutters

Tips for Measuring Oddly Shaped Windows for Shutters

Installing shutters for unconventional window shapes like circles or triangles requires precise measurements. Here are 10 measuring tips for custom shutters:

  1. Use a steel measuring tape. Get accurate measurements with a quality non-flexible measuring tape.
  2. Measure opening width. Width is needed for circular shutters. For example, a 36-inch diameter circle window.
  3. Measure opening height. Required for arched shutters. For example, a 32-inch tall Gothic arch window.
  4. Measure all sides. Tracing gives complete angles for diagonal shutters. For example, the dimensions of an octagonal window.
  5. Mark light obstructions. Account for sconces or obstructing walls when measuring.
  6. Note window operation. Measure open and closed states on specialty windows. For example, a hinged circular window.
  7. Add margin to measurements. Leave room for adjustments during installation. For example, adding 1/4 inch.
  8. Photograph windows. Pictures document irregularities. For example, the angles of a skylight.
  9. Measure recesses. Account for deep-set windows. For example, the depth of a turret window niche.
  10. Confirm measurements. Double check accuracy to avoid re-work. For example, recalculating the radius.

Careful measurement of every angle and detail ensures your custom-cut shutters for unconventional windows will have an accurate custom fit.

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