How to Find the Right Size Replacement Shutters for Your Windows

When your old shutters require replacement, finding the new ones that fit perfectly is essential. Below, we provide a 12-step guide to help you accomplish this:

  1. Measure window dimensions – Note down the exact outer frame measurements for utmost precision. For instance, a window might be 25.5 inches wide and 63 inches tall.
  2. Account for obstructions – Consider elements like sconces, cranks, or trim during measuring to prevent blockages. A wall lamp, for example, might reduce the width by 3 inches.
  3. Mark the window shape – Trace any unusual curves or angles to match the shapes. For example, marking octagon corners.
  4. Determine the coverage area – Measure the area needed for inside or outside mounts. An inside mount, for example, requires the depth of the window recess.
  5. Identify the operational clearance – Measure with windows in both open and closed states. You must allow clearance for casement windows to open, for instance.
  6. Calculate the louver width – Sum up slat measurements to get the total width. Twenty-four one-inch louvers will roughly require 24-inch shutters.
  7. Allow for a margin of error – Add 1/8 to 1/4 inch for adjustments during installation. This might mean adding 2 inches across.
  8. Ensure shutter uniformity – Replace pairs simultaneously for a consistent look. For example, replace both damaged entry shutters at the same time.
  9. Order complete replacement sets – For full harmony, replace all shutters per window or room together. This could mean replacing all four dining room window shutters.
  10. Consult manufacturer specs – Many companies provide sizing charts for standard window types. Typically, 30-inch wide vinyl shutters suit 15-inch windows.
  11. Refer to the original specs – Revisit the original order paperwork for size details. The order form may list the original dimensions.
  12. Employ a professional – Engage an installer for precise measurement and identification of replacement needs. This might mean scheduling a site visit for evaluation.

Combining careful measurement with professional assistance guarantees the selection of replacement shutters that fit your windows ideally. Feel free to reach out if you need further clarification or additional examples!

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