Round Shutters: A Unique Window Solution

For the uncommon round windows found in some homes, round shutters provide a novel solution. Their circular shape closely follows the curve of porthole, bullseye and round-top designs for symmetry.

With custom-cut rounded edges, circular shutters embrace circular windows elegantly. This cohesive pairing adds flair while regulating light and views.

Matching Distinct Architectural Shapes

Round shutters seamlessly suit the bullseye, porthole, oval, and circular windows seen in arts & crafts, nautical, and other distinctive homes. Their tailored form fits like a puzzle piece.

Lend whimsical character to a hobbit-style front door with petite round shutters framing a circular window. Let the shutters echo the doorway’s playful personality.

Highlight the round window topping a turret with equivalently angled circular shutters. Allow them to crisply meet the sightline’s curves.

Creative Visual Interest

Against predictable rectangular and square windows, round shutters make an eye-catching unique statement. Their unexpected circular shape stands out in an artistic, imaginative way.

On a nondescript suburban facade, give a child’s bedroom window fresh pop with custom round shutters. Let them add a touch of creativity and fun through clever curves.

Transform basic porch door sidelights creatively by mounting circular shutters over the squared windows. Let them establish visual curiosity to welcome guests.

Enhanced Functionality

Beyond looks, round shutters function like standard shutters for adjustable light control, views, and ventilation. Louvers rotate open or closed to regulate the unique space as needed.

Partially close round shutters on a sunny seaside cottage to filter piercing ocean light. Fully close the round shutters at night for complete privacy. Enjoy the form and function.

For a bathroom porthole window needing ventilation but not visibility, keep round shutters open while tilting slats shut. The strategic angles maximize air flow while maintaining discretion.

Unique Personal Statement

Rounded shutters’ unconventional whimsy expresses individual personality and style. Their custom form telegraphs creativity and imagination.

Make a bold artistic choice by pairing avant garde modern windows with playfully contrasting circle shutters. Let them balance the severe lines with softness.


Charmingly unconventional, round shutters embrace the shape of circular windows with imagination and symmetry. This custom solution checks both aesthetic and practical boxes with its adaptable style.

Contact our team to explore tailored round shutters for the special circular windows in your home.

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