Do’s and Don’ts of Caring for Shutters in Australia

With proper care and maintenance, quality shutters can last decades looking fabulous. But improper cleaning or lack of preventative care can lead to damage or shortened lifespan. This guide covers shutter care best practices tailored for Australian conditions. We’ll outline do’s and don’ts of caring for interior and exterior shutters to maximize their longevity in your home.

Interior Shutter Care

Protecting interior shutters from wear requires attentive preventative maintenance:


✅ Keep wood shutters sealed and frequently dusted to prevent dirt buildup in crevices.

✅ Periodically hand wash shutters using only mild cleaners and soft brushes, sponges or microfiber cloths. Avoid excess moisture.

✅ Immediately dry any damp areas on wood shutters to prevent possible warping or finish bubbling.

✅ Use virtuously lint-free cloths like microfibers to polish shutters and buff out minor scuffs.

✅ For deeper cleaning, use specialized wood cleaner formulated for shutters and cabinets.


⛔ Attempt to wipe down wood shutters with wet towels or rags. Excessive moisture damages wood and paint.

⛔ Use abrasive scrub brushes or scouring pads to clean interior shutters. Will ruin delicate painted or stained finishes.

⛔ Allow any spills to remain on wood shutters. Promptly wipe up wet marks to prevent permanent stains and possible warping.

⛔ Use harsh chemical cleaners like ammonia, bleach, or alkaline-based products on interior shutters. Can strip or discolor finishes.

Keeping interior shutters looking pristine relies on gentle frequent cleaning and immediate attention to minor spills or splatters. Harsh scrubbing and chemicals harm delicate surfaces.

Exterior Shutter Care

Outdoor shutters endure sun, rain, and extremes requiring specialized care.


✅ Inspect exterior shutters at least twice yearly for any signs of finish damage, decay, or pest activity. Address issues immediately before spreading.

✅ Wash exterior shutters annually using cool gentle pressure washing to remove grime. Allow to fully dry before resealing or refinishing.

✅ For wood shutters, reapply penetrating UV resistant sealers every 2-4 years to protect from moisture and sun damage.

✅ Touch up any chips, scratches, or cracked finish as soon as noticed to prevent moisture entering the substrate.

✅ Keep gutters and drainage directed away from shutters. Use splash blocks below downspouts.


⛔ Use high pressure power washing on exterior wood or composite shutters. Can damage softer materials.

⛔ Allow exterior shutters to remain wet for long periods. Open louvers to allow both sides to fully dry to prevent mold and rot.

⛔ Ignore deteriorating finishes, gaps, cracking or decaying wood. Delaying repairs leads to greater damage requiring more extensive repairs later.

⛔ Prune trees and plants directly overhanging shutters. Constant damp shade encourages deterioration.

Monitoring outdoor shutters vigilantly and addressing issues promptly preserves longevity in Australia’s harsh sun and stormy climate.

Hardware Care

Maintaining smooth shutter operation relies on attentive hardware care:


✅ Tighten any loose hinge screws immediately to prevent uneven hinge wear and wood tearing.

✅ Lubricate all shutter hinge pins annually using powdered graphite or spray lubricants designed for shutters. Penetrates deeper.

✅ Similarly lubricate tilt rods, control wands, latches and lifts to prevent sticking and metal corrosion.

✅ Replace any deteriorated wood surrounding loose hardware before reinstalling. Prevents future pullout.


⛔ Use household oil or grease on shutter hardware. Attracts dust and gunks up mechanisms.

⛔ Force sticky mechanical components. Lubricate first to release gliding parts and prevent breakage.

⛔ Allow rust or corrosion to advance on hardware. Clean and lubricate before it impacts function.

⛔ Try to detach stuck mechanical hardware using pliers orviceilke tools. Seek professional assistance to prevent marring.

Well-lubricated and tightened hardware keeps shutters functioning smoothly for a lifetime rather than seizing up or wearing out prematurely.

Paint and Stain Care

Quality refinishing preserves exterior shutter appearance and water resistance. Proper care requires:


✅ Spot treat any damaged finish areas like splits, scratches, and knotholes immediately to protect the wood underneath from moisture.

✅ Sand, prime, and touch up paint at first sign of any flaking, checking, or cracking to prevent additional finish failure.

✅ Refinish shutters if color has significantly faded, especially on sun-exposed southern and western sides. Restore UV protection.

✅ Consider switch to modern water-based paints which expand and contact similarly to wood. Improves long term adhesion over older oil paints.


⛔ Wait until paint is severely blistering, peeling and falling off in sheets before refinishing. Causes extensive underlying wood damage.

⛔ Try to spot paint damaged areas without proper prep sanding, cleaning, and priming first. New paint won’t bond without proper under-layer adhesion.

⛔ Paint exterior shutters dark colors. The heat absorption accelerates finish breakdown and can warp underlying wood.

Catching finish issues early and methodically restoring exteriors prevents lasting aesthetic and structural wood damage.

Pest Prevention Tips

Termites and carpenter bees can rapidly damage untreated shutters. Stop them through:


✅ Choose naturally rot and bug resistant woods like cedar, cypress, or use treated lumber cores.

✅ Maintain exterior paints and finishes to seal cracks and deprive pests of wood access.

✅ Identify types of damage to determine culprits. Look for small piles of coarse sawdust on the ground from carpenter bees. Get help diagnosing if unsure.

✅ Engage specialists to treat active infestations using targeted rather than broadcast application methods when possible.


⛔ Ignore small holes in siding near shutters. Early signs of carpenter bee nest tunneling. Monitoring helps detect early before extensive structural damage.

⛔ Attempt ineffective DIY pest control home remedies like bleach solutions. Often makes problems worse long term and prevents using professional treatments.

Keeping shutters protected with quality finishes and engaging pest control specialists at first signs prevents expensive shutter damage.

Troubleshooting Operating Issues

Odd shutter behaviors indicates potential issues:


✅ Investigate source of any new sticking, grinding or rubbing noises. Usually indicates need for hinge tightening, realignment or lubrication before further wear.

✅ If shutters are slow opening, closing or no longer tilting smoothly, detach to clean hinge joints thoroughly and apply fresh lubricant.

✅ For sagging, replace worn hinges and add additional screws into framing to prevent distortion and cracking over time.


⛔ Attempt amateur shutter panel detachment and adjustments. Hinges and hardware break easily if not handled correctly. Have professionals adjust and lubricate hardware.

⛔ Force sticky shutters open or closed. Stressing components leads to breakage. Lubrication and alignment corrections by experts gets them moving freely again.

Seek immediate diagnosis and resolution of any operation issues before long term damage sets in. Catching problems early improves repair success.

Professional Care for Longevity

While DIY care helps, periodic professional shutter maintenance services optimize longevity:


✅ Have pros thoroughly examine interior and exterior shutters annually to spot minor issues before developing into major repairs.

✅ Professionally clean shutters every 2-3 years using techniques less risky for finishes than DIY methods.

✅ Consider pro winterizing shutters in harsh climates by detaching panels for storing in controlled environments and reinstalling next season.


⛔ Think shutters are indestructible and can go years without inspection or maintenance. Their longevity depends on preventative care.

Catching deterioration early and having professionals periodically tune, strengthen, clean and restore shutters keeps them in near-new condition for extraordinary lifespans. Don’t wait until problems balloon out of control. Consistent care is the key.

We hope these tips help you keep your shutters looking fabulous for decades. Let us know if you have any other shutter care questions!

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