Escape Proof Shutters Provide Peace of Mind for Parents

Toddlers figure out how to defeat traditional window safeguards with surprising speed. Escape proof shutters use tamper-resistant operability and reinforced materials to keep kids safely contained indoors.

While attentive supervision remains essential, enhanced engineering minimizes the chances of a stealthy jailbreak. Fortified construction and child-resistant operation add reassuring layers of protection.

Let’s look at how escape proof shutters support attentive parenting.

Why Escape-Artist Tendencies Develop

Adventurous toddlers craving independence quickly learn to:

  • Climb on furniture to reach dangerous heights
  • Pry open or defeat window locks and guards
  • Push through insect screens with surprising force
  • Knock loose and exploit vulnerable shutter hardware
  • Outsmart parents just long enough to get into danger

Reinforced shutters compensate for this focused ingenuity.

Tamper-Resistant Operation

Keep shutter controls inaccessible to kids through:

  • Placing high on walls requiring furniture to reach
  • Child-proof power-assisted lift mechanisms
  • Requiring two-handed operation for grip and stability
  • Switches or wands using heavy pressure or complex sequences

Secured operability thwarts unauthorized use.

Pick-Proof Materials

Select materials difficult for little hands to defeat:

  • Tight polycarbonate shutter panel construction
  • Triple-thick shatterproof window glazing behind shutters
  • Heavy-duty commercial grade joinery and mounting hardware
  • Steel mesh insect screens bolted into window frames

Durable builds prevent sneaky escape routes.

Secure Mounting

Prevent shutters being pried off through:

  • Industrial epoxy anchoring deep into structural framing
  • Exterior rated mounting hardware resistant to moisture damage
  • Steel right angle reinforcement brackets at vulnerable corners
  • Full-perimeter weatherstripping to seal light gaps

Tested mounting methods keep shutters firmly positioned.

Alarm Triggers

Install sensors to notify parents of tampering like:

  • Glass break detectors sensing if windows are shattered
  • Contact switches to alert to shutter forced open
  • Motion sensors to identify activity near windows

Triggers provide oversight when direct supervision is impractical.


Fortified shutters designed to resist children’s crafty escape efforts offer parents essential peace of mind. Contact our team to tailor shutters keeping your tiny Houdinis safely contained and secure using home improvement best practices.

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