A Step-by-Step Guide to Measuring Windows for Custom Shutters

Achieving a flawless fit with tailored custom shutters starts with meticulous window measurements. Even slight measurement mistakes can result in poorly sized shutters requiring expensive re-makes and installation headaches.

Measuring correctly the first time saves money and ensures your custom shutters match beautifully. Follow this comprehensive window measurement guide to capture every vital dimension.

We’ll cover:

  • Recommended tools and supplies for measuring
  • Step-by-step instructions for different window types
  • Measurement diagram examples
  • Recording measurements accurately
  • Quality checking your work
  • Submitting measurements to designers

With proper preparation and care, DIY shutter measurements can ensure handcrafted perfection. Let’s get started!

Recommended Measuring Tools and Supplies

Having the right measuring equipment makes capturing precise window dimensions easy:

  • Laser distance measure – Accurately measures wall-to-wall spans beyond tape measure length
  • Metal measuring tape – Essential for small exacting measurements under 1 foot
  • Carpenter’s level – Confirms vertical and horizontal alignments
  • Pencil – For cleanly marking measurement points
  • Notepad – Records written measurements
  • Masking tape – Temporarily marks measurement points on frames
  • Camera – Photographs window details for reference
  • Step stool – Allows access to upper areas of tall windows

Avoid cloth measuring tapes which can stretch and distort readings over time. Opt for quality metal tapes. Take time to familiarize yourself with the laser distance tool to use its special functions.

Gatherings tools and supplies eliminates interrupting your workflow to hunt for missing items. Review the upcoming measurement steps first so you know what to expect.

Measuring Rectangular Windows

Most standard vertical rectangular windows just involve height and width. Follow this sequence:

  1. Measure width side-to-side at the top, center, and bottom. Record all three in case uneven.
  2. Measure height top-to-bottom on left, center, and right sides. Record all three numbers.
  3. Note window frame widths at top, bottom, and sides.
  4. Measure window sill height and depth if shutters will mount below.
  5. Measure any protruding stops or trim depths.
  6. Confirm the window opening is square using carpenter’s level.
  7. Photograph the window for reference.
  8. Double check numbers match between readings for accuracy.

Simple rectangular windows require just basic overall height and width. But always measure each point instead of assuming the window is perfectly square. Writing down metrics avoids forgetting any dimensions.

Measuring Arched Windows

Arched windows add geometric elegance but require more detailed measurements:

  1. Measure overall exterior window width at top, middle, and bottom locations.
  2. Measure arched curve radius originating at center bottom of arch.
  3. Calculate arch height from bottom center to curve peak.
  4. Measure window height from base to arch peak. Confirm equal on both sides.
  5. Document window frame dimensions on all sides.
  6. Note sill height and depth if applicable.
  7. Use the level to check for plumb verticals and equal arch sides.
  8. Carefully measure any arched transom dimensions if present.
  9. Photograph and label the window details.

The arch dimensions require mathematical precision. Measure carefully from a ladder and verify difficult angles with levels. Draft an arch diagram to record every metric accurately.

Measuring Angled Bay Windows

For angled bay windows, meticulously measure each surface:

  1. Document the exact angle between walls using a protractor level.
  2. Measure the three individual window segment widths and heights.
  3. Measure corresponding frame sizes and sill dimensions.
  4. Verify the depth, height, and angle of the angled sides.
  5. For corner bays, detail the mitred seam where angles meet.
  6. Note any variations in angles and dimensions between sides.
  7. Check plumb verticals and level horizontals with a level.
  8. Photograph bay details and angles for the record.
  9. Repeat process on any adjacent bays present.

The complexity of bays means recording real-world conditions, not just assumptions. Use masking tape to label measurement points right on frames. Get support for holding heavy levels stationary on angled surfaces.

Measuring Circular or Oval Windows

Round windows require diameters, radii, and circumferences:

  1. Measure overall exterior diameter side-to-side across center.
  2. Measure top-to-bottom diameter height across center.
  3. Find radius by measuring from center to any side’s edge. Should equal half the diameter.
  4. Use a flexible measuring tape to follow the circumference.
  5. Note framed window width all around the perimeter.
  6. Check for level diameter and uniform radius with a level.
  7. Document any arched transom dimensions present.
  8. Photograph the window and measurements.

Calculating the radius and circumference ensures you have all the metrics to size shutters following the exact curve. Circle diagrams help visualize the required math.

Recording Measurements Accurately

With windows fully measured, carefully record all collected dimensions. Consistently follow these best practices:

  • Label each measurement’s location in a window sketch. Draw diagrams!
  • Write neatly and legibly using permanent ink. Avoid misreads.
  • Double check accuracy of every measurement compared to the window itself.
  • List every measurement separately instead of combining.
  • Use 1/8” increments for precision. Or annotate fractions like 15 1/8 inches.
  • Note measurement units like inches or centimeters used.
  • Identify any deductions needed like for protruding stops and sills.
  • Document special details like materials, obstacles, or damage with annotations.
  • Photograph windows and sketches for later reference.

Complete details and legible noting prevents misunderstandings with your shutter designer or installers. Sloppy recordings risk mistakes replicating your windows.

Validating Correct Measurements

Before submitting measurements, self-audit for common errors:

  • Check sections add up logically. Window height should equal sill height plus frame above.
  • Verify width and height dimensions match at bottom, middle, top.
  • Double check all numbers match their paired readings from opposite sides or angles.
  • Confirm proper use of metrics like inches versus centimeters.
  • Rerun any measurements seemingly incorrect or highly unlikely.
  • Ensure nothing was omitted like sill or frame dimensions.
  • Review photos to ensure no missing angles or details.
  • Ask a helper to review measurements before finalizing. A second set of eyes helps tremendously.

Verify, verify, verify! Making corrections now prevents headaches later if shutters show up at install sizing wrong. Being methodical avoids mistakes.

Submitting Measurements to Your Shutter Professional

Once satisfied with meticulous window measurements, submit them along with any photos to your custom shutter designer for creating your tailored panels.

Share measurements via:

  • Emailing scanned measurement sketches and photos
  • Clouding measurement files to access remotely
  • Dropping off documentation at their office
  • Using an online measurement form if available

Discuss any special considerations, challenges, or questions you encountered when measuring with your pro. Communicate the importance of precision for satisfaction.

You’ve done the hard work. Now relax as your shutter expert translates accurate window metrics into perfectly sized shutters crafted just for your home and doors.

Get Help Measuring from the Experts

We hope these steps help demystify the crucial process of measuring for custom shutters. Taking careful window measurements yourself saves significant cost paying window treatment professionals.

But if you lack time, tools, mobility, or confidence in measuring accurately, consider having an expert take window measurements on-site. We’re always happy to visit your home and capture the precise window metrics for your custom shutters using professional tools and know-how. Contact us for a fast quote on on-site measuring services.

Get your custom shutter project started right with comprehensive window measurements. Let us know if we can help tackle the measuring step so you simply relax until perfect custom shutters arrive!

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