A Guide to Measuring Your Windows for Shutters

Getting accurate window measurements is crucial for custom shutters to fit correctly. Follow this comprehensive guide to measure all window dimensions precisely.

Use a Steel Measuring Tape

Use a quality steel measuring tape rather than a cloth one for maximum accuracy. The rigidity of steel tapes prevents stretching or distortions.

Double check the tape reads accurately by measuring a known distance. Always extend to the full length needed.

Measure Width at the Top, Middle and Bottom

Many windows taper narrower at the bottom. Capture this by measuring width at the top, middle and bottom of the window opening.

This ensures proper allowance for tapering so shutters fit flush top to bottom. Write down all three widths.

Measure Exact Height from Top to Bottom

Record the window’s exact height from the top edge to the bottom edge. Capture even small fractional measurements to calculate the proper shutter panel heights.

Measuring height precisely allows proper clearance top and bottom within the window frame when installed.

Document Any Special Corner Angles

Note if the window corners deviate from perfect 90 degree right angles. Use a protractor tool to accurately measure and record corner angles.

Accounting for unique angles ensures shutters follow the window lines neatly when mounted.

Check for Bowed Windows

Does the center of the window bow outwards? Account for this by measuring width from the interior, exterior and center windowpanes.

Bowed windows may need central divider rails in the shutters to accommodate the extra width.

Note Window Shape Like Arches or Octagons

For specialty shaped windows, trace the window outline onto paper. Label dimensions along the outline for the shutter maker.

Non-rectangular windows require custom shutter shaping to match. Outline drawings facilitate proper shaping.

Measure Reveals and Obstructions

Determine how much space exists between the window frame and walls, trim or other encroachments so shutters can open freely without obstruction.

Also measure window depth for proper light overlap when closed.

Confirm Measurements Twice for Accuracy

Re-measure all window dimensions a second time before finalizing figures. Have someone else also measure to double check.

Inaccuracies result in poorly fitting shutters, so careful re-measuring avoids costly mistakes.

Take Day and Night Measurements

Materials like metal can expand and contract with temperature, slightly altering measurements. Re-measure windows both day and night when sizing is extremely tight.

Use the larger measurement to ensure day and night fitting, accounting for thermal expansion and contraction.

Photograph and Label Each Window Uniquely

Take photos of each measured window and label them by location. This prevents mixing up which measurements match which window during the ordering process.

Photos also show any obstructions that might affect shutter installations.


Careful attention to accurately measuring and recording all window dimensions results in custom shutters with an exact tailored fit. Follow these tips for flawless measurements.

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